Success in science is based above all on teamwork today, even if it can sometimes take on incomprehensible forms. Some colleagues, for instance, appear as authors of several hundred scientific publications. Is that possible? Could they explain in a comprehensible way for each of the papers on which methodes it is based? I received my scientific education at a time when colleagues from the beginning and middle of the 20th century served as examples. So it became a challenge to me to also write my own scientific publications, and they are now, for once, compiled in the following list.
But of course, science is always good teamwork and many more publications resulted from cooperation with great colleagues, and a full list of publications can be downloaded here.
Implantable Microelectronics
M. Birkholz
Bioelectronics: Materials, Technologies and Emerging Applications
A. Kumar and R.K. Gupta (Eds.), CRC Press (2022) Chapter 21
Thin Films and Multilayers
M. Birkholz
International Tables for Crystallography, Volume H – Powder Diffraction
C. Gilmore, J. Kaduk and H. Schenk (Eds.), Wiley-Blackwell, Chapter 5.4 (2019) 581
Modeling the Shape of Ions in Pyrite-Type Crystals
M. Birkholz
crystals 4 (2014) 390
A Thin Film Approach to Protein Crystallography
M. Birkholz
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 268 (2010) 414
Modeling of Diffraction from Fiber Texture Gradients in Thin Polycrystalline Films
M. Birkholz
Journal of Applied Crystallography 40 (2007) 735
Crystal-Field Induced Dipoles in Heteropolar Crystals II: Physical Significance
M. Birkholz
Zeitschrift für Physik B 96 (1995) 333
Crystal-Field Induced Dipoles in Heteropolar Crystals I: Concept
M. Birkholz
Zeitschrift für Physik B 96 (1995) 325
Optical Absorption Coefficient of Pyrite (FeS2)
M. Birkholz
11th EC Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Montreux, October 1992
Proceedings edited by L. Guimarães et al., Harwood, Chur (1993) 344
The Crystal Energy of Pyrite
M. Birkholz
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 4 (1992) 6227